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We measure real time the Helsinki-Tallin tunnel progress against the United Nations' 17 social...

Finest Bay Area

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

17.12.2020 MEDIA RELEASE


Finnish/Estonian company Finest Bay Area Development (FEBAY) is using new AI technology to measure the Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel project progress against the UN SDGs. The measuring is done real time with concrete numeric values based on actual project documentation. This helps FEBAY to track progress and identify gaps and/or successes in relation to the SDGs. The measurements are reported at the webpage. AI technology is provided by HeadAI, a Finnish company ( ).

Being able to measure the project progress in this way is enormously valuable. Many organizations and companies have set the UN SDGs as their goals, but the challenge has been the metrics and reporting in an objective, transparent and timely way. What HeadAI technology is now allowing FEBAY to do is to be objective, transparent and real time with project performance in relation to the UN SDGs.

“The Finest Bay Area tunnel project has set the target to follow and meet the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We want to lead the way and we are extremely excited about this AI technology and what it allows us to do. Setting goals and objectives is one thing, but actually knowing the performance against the goals is crucially important to be able to improve and be transparent in all project operations.”, says Peter Vesterbacka of FEBAY.

“Semantic networks link together information from chosen sources such as Open Data, archives, files, registries and many more. The information is refined in form of self-organising entities. By using multiple sources of information, we enable wider contextual understanding of the knowledge domain.”, explains Harri Ketamo of HeadAI and continues, “In order to use Big Data in complex decision making, we have to apply AI and Natural Language Processing. Most NLP is done with methods that make applications narrow, dependent on training sets, and so disable secure and transparent decision making. Headai goes beyond those limits by bringing together the strengths of self-organized learning, reinforcement learning and cognitive sciences.”

United Nations Social Development Goals:

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice (Home | Sustainable Development (

Finest Bay Area Development:

Is a development company working on creating gravity and economic growth to the Finest Bay Area region. The company is designing and preparing to start construction of the world’s longest undersea tunnel connecting Finland and Estonia where there will be four station areas including some floating and artificial islands. The purpose of the project is to construct an undersea railway tunnel between Finland and Estonia, in order to significantly reduce travel time between the countries. In the Project vision is that the railway tunnel would merge the Helsinki and Tallinn metropolitan regions into a single metropolis. The region may develop into a hub connecting Asia and Europe, as the tunnel project opens the opportunity to take the train from Helsinki-Vantaa Airport directly to Tallinn. The company is currently conducting environmental impact assessments (Finest Bay Area Development Oy, Environmental impact assessment programme ( ) and detailed design of the tunnel.


HeadAI is a Finnish artificial intelligence company developing General Semantic AI to enable secure, explainable and predictive decision making for many areas like labour markets, investment markets, education and training. Current customers include e.g. governments & ministries, investment funds, global organizations, universities, educational institutes, corporates and private companies. (HeadAI Blog on scorecards: a264fba0bc22 )


Kustaa Valtonen Finest Bay Area Development Oy Tel. +358 50 4155300 Email

Harri Ketamo HeadAI Oy Tel. +358 505285006 Email

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